- Analysis of the Former Psychiatric Hospital: the Current Situation
- Villa Crivelli Pusterla (General Presentation)
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: changes after the Second World War
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: extensions implemented by Dr. Antonini
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: extensions planned by Dr. Gonzales
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: opening of the new Asylum
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: the decision to build an Asylum in Limbiate
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: towards its cessation
- Atlas Cedar
- Bald Cypress
- Basket stinkhorn fungus
- Boxwood
- Butcher’s broom
- Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Francis of Assisi
- Church of St. Ambrose and St. Charles
- Chusan Palm, Windmill Palm or Chinese Windmill Palm
- Cranberry bush
- Dogwood and Cornelian cherry
- European Beech
- European Yew
- Exterior Frescoes of the Chapel
- General Presentation of the Historical Adjacent Park
- Horse Chestnut
- Interior Decorations of the Chapel
- Italian Cypress
- Linden or Lime Tree
- Luigi Castiglioni State High School
- Magnolia
- Northern Red Oak
- Peony
- Plane tree
- The Mental Asylum Complex of Mombello
- The Project: “Mombello, a Folly? The school as the protagonist of an environmental rehabilitation project”
- Tree Species in the Garden of Villa Crivelli Pusterla
- Analysis of the former Psychiatric Hospital: future perspectives
- Aerial view of Villa Crivelli Pusterla