“Memory Lane to tell a story” Exhibition

3S Mostra Scatti della memoria (1)
Manifesto della mostra “Scatti della memoria”

Conceived in 2012 as a temporary exhibition to enrich the offer of cultural events on the occasion of the official inauguration of the Infopark of Bosco delle Querce, the event immediately turned into a permanent site, consolidating its value as a commemoration and gathering the growing interest of students and visitors.

The iconographic part was curated by Emanuele Volpi (New Photo Volpi) and the contents and texts by Massimiliano Fratter. It is a collection of about 40 photographs of the incident that struck the community of Seveso and Meda in 1976. These represent an ideal itinerary through time and space, and are able to recount the long journey undertaken by this piece of Brianza in its multi-year history that began with the tragic events of the toxic cloud emitted by the reactor, “A 101″ of the ICMESA. Today the Oak Wood/Bosco delle Querce constitutes a consolidated ecologic-cultural reality.
All the pictures shown were taken from the archives of the Volpi family, and are certainly a rare testimonial to the story of this family of photographers, an adventure that practically began with Bruno, born in Seveso in 1924. In fact, it was he who courageously committed himself by becoming a photographer in the decade following WWII and at that time involved his sons and daughter in carrying out a 40-year documentary on what happened in Seveso. Maria Grazia, Mario, Giuliano and Emanuele followed their father in 1976 in this great adventure which still continues today. The exhibition, in fact, besides recounting with shocking realism and a rare sensitivity, the history of the disaster and subsequent reclamation of the contaminated area, also tells of the rebirth and efforts made so that “this international story” would not be forgotten. This also led to the creation of the Archivio del Ponte della Memoria/ Memory Bridge Archive of the Ecological Office of the Seveso Municipality together with the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment and Legambiente.
The permanent exhibition, “Scatti di Memoria per raccontare una Storia. Seveso dall’incidente del 1976 al Bosco delle Querce,” is therefore the testimonial of a multi-faceted experience that certainly looks back to the past and history, but also to the future, with vigour and hope.