Groane Park

The Groane Park was established in 1976 and is a Regional Park of Lombardy. It is an area of more than 3000 hectares, situated in the higher Lombard area of the Po Valley, in the urban area of Milan and to the northwest of the city. The park is a shelter for a vast range of flora and fauna. It has interesting geological elements and hosts many important historical, artistic and industrial archaeology sites.

In between houses, apartment buildings and factories, the last remaining great oak woods and cropped pine woodlands survive under its protection. In late summer, vast moorlands are coloured by the intense blossoming of heather; the walls and bricks of old ruined furnaces and the gardens of ancient noble villas illustrate a landscape from long ago.
The Groane Park is managed by a public institution established by the sixteen municipalities that it covers, the Provinces of Milan and Monza and Brianza and the Municipality of Milan. The institution’s objectives are aimed mainly at the reforestation of exposed land, the improvement of the woods, the protection of nature and environmental education. In this environment that has survived urbanisation, the Groane Park Institution has built a network of cycle paths that allow visitors to immerse themselves in nature without distancing themselves from the city.
The WWF, along with volunteers from the WWF Groane section, directly protects the Caloggio oasis inside the park and the Fosso del Ronchetto oasis, which was introduced to expand the park.