The natural value of the Park and its structures

37S Il valore naturalistico del Parco e le sue strutture (2) 20150130_085745
Una veduta suggestiva del Bosco delle Querce (Archivio Bosco delle Querce)

At the end of 1986, the Regional Forestry Agency (ARF) was assigned with the care of the Park. Initially 5,000 trees and 6,000 shrubs were planted. The tree species were: autochthonous oaks, maples, hornbeams, pines, sylvans, lindens, willows, birches, black and white poplars, ashes, and marina ashes.

The shrubs instead were the hawthorns, Scotch brooms, dog roses and many more. The Wood has grown throughout the years. Due to further interventions and the care of the Regional Forestry Agency, at the end of 1998 the Park comprised 21,753 trees and 23,898 shrubs, that is, a heritage four times greater than that of the initial system handed over by the Special Office of Seveso. In 1985, simultaneously with the planting activities, the Oak wood chalet was also built, acting as a service point, warehouse for the machinery and a welcoming office. A reservoir was built in the immediate neighbourhood for the irrigation waters needed to for the new seedling plants. To ensure a greater strengthening of the Wood system, from January 1987 a part of the chalet hosted the Seveso branch office of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI). The members of the CAI, accepted the challenge to establish itself in one of the Park’s venues, and also foresaw the importance of contributing to bringing back the livable conditions of the Wood, that started in this way to host some activities of the CAI that focused on acquaintance and informed visits to the natural reserve. The Wood, besides the zone that could be freely visited, covered a fenced nature reserve area with controlled access reserved for research activities. In the Park’s quieter zoned wild rabbits, foxes, frogs, crested newts, big snakes, water snakes have settled in. The ponds and small lakes are frequented also by the ash heron. The territory of the Wood became, from 2001 onwards, a property of the Region of Lombardy. From 2003 the Municipality of Seveso became the Wood’s management agency.